dental implants in Round Rock, TX

Dental Implants in Round Rock, TX

Missing a tooth impacts more than just the look of your smile. A missing tooth can keep you from enjoying your favorite foods or from smiling with confidence. These gaps can also lead to more complex oral health issues down the line. Dental implants are often the best solution to replace a missing tooth, so you can smile through life again.

dental implants in Round Rock, TX

Why should I choose dental implants?

There are many options for replacing missing teeth, and it's important to understand the pros and cons of all of them. Dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option, because they not only fill the gap in your smile, but they can help restore your overall oral health as well. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that can actually stop bone loss, and can be used with a variety of restorations to replace one or all of your teeth. Plus, they have the best longevity of all tooth replacement treatment options.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Dental implants replace your whole tooth, down to the root.

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No Guess-Work, More Comfort

With cone-beam computed tomography, or CBCT technology, we give our patients peace of mind. This reliable technology ensures precise placement for increased patient comfort and better overall outcomes.

ICOI Fellowship

Dr. Hersheal is working to be a Fellow with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. This title is the highest level of recognition from the ICOI. Fellowship status is only awarded members that have surpassed Fellowship and Mastership status.

Bone Grafting & Sinus Lifts

Some patients require extra preparation before receiving dental implants. Dr. Aggarwal is experienced in a variety of oral surgeries and procedures, like bone grafting and sinus lifts, to ensure your implants function properly and stand the test of time.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Unparalleled Comfort

Implants feel and function just like natural teeth; you can brush and floss like normal and still enjoy your favorite foods.

Natural Look

Your implant will be paired with a durable and natural-looking, custom-crafted restoration to blend seamlessly with your smile.

Preserve Your Oral Health

Implants are made from biocompatible materials, and mimic the form and function of your tooth’s natural roots to prevent bone resorption caused by tooth loss.

The Implant Treatment Process


After your treatment has been approved, your Round Rock dentist will arrange a date for your oral surgery and devise a surgical plan. Your doctor will create an opening in your gums and securely place a dental implant directly into the jaw bone. Afterwards, the surgical site will be cleaned and sutured to begin the healing process.

Healing & Osseointegration

After your implant surgery, your gums and jawbone will begin to heal. The incision area will heal in just 1-2 weeks, however, it will take 3-6 months for the implant to fuse with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. To ensure proper healing, we’ll schedule follow-up appointments during the osseointegration phase to monitor your progress.

Applying the Restoration

Once the implant has fully bonded with your jaw, the final phase of the treatment will be to place your restoration. A restoration is the visible part of a dental implant, and most often takes the form of a dental crown when replacing a single tooth. Your restoration will be specially designed to match the rest of your smile and will be securely attached to the titanium implant via an abutment. Once your new tooth is in place, your smile will be fully restored! Trust Serenity Dental Studios for superior dental implants in Round Rock Texas to restore your smile.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

What is a single tooth implant?

Single-tooth dental implants are the most frequently used dental implant and consist of three parts: the dental implant, the abutment, and the dental crown. The dental implant is a titanium rod with a screw-like shape that is placed into the jawbone. The abutment, which is a connector piece, attaches the dental implant to the dental crown. The dental crown, also known as the restoration, reinstates the shape, function, and appearance of your natural tooth. Unlike a partial denture, single-tooth implants are extremely durable and never move or shift.

How are dental implants made?

Titanium dental implants are manufactured in reputable laboratories that offer a wide range of standard post sizes. However, the restoration is a personalized prosthetic. This ensures that each patient receives a result that meets their specific needs and aesthetic desires. Your dentist may either create your restoration in-office using a milling machine or send detailed impressions to a collaborating laboratory.

The laboratory will then create a robust and long-lasting restoration, tailored to your individual needs. Most crowns are made from durable porcelain, which closely resembles tooth enamel in appearance. Once the crown is completed, the laboratory will ship it back to the office and the dentist will finish the procedure by firmly attaching the implant crown in place.

How long will my dental implant last?

When dental implants are placed by an expert and properly maintained through good at-home hygiene and regular checkups, dental implants can last for 30 years or even the rest of your life.

The restoration, on the other hand, may eventually need to be replaced. This is no different than a traditional crown or denture, as the restoration experiences regular wear and tear from chewing and biting. Regular visits to the dentist will allow you to monitor the state of your restoration and the health of your implant, so you can maximize the longevity of your smile.

Can my dental implant become infected?

It is possible for dental implants to become infected, resulting in a condition known as “peri-implantitis.” However, this complication is extremely rare, and generally only occurs when the implant is not cared for properly after the placement surgery.

As long as you follow your doctor’s post-op instructions, your chances of developing an infection are very low.

Do dental implants stop bone loss?

Yes, and they are the only tooth replacement to do so. When you lose a tooth, your jaw is no longer being stimulated by the forces of chewing and biting. The jaw bone will begin to deteriorate, which weakens the jaw and can cause the surrounding teeth to shift or become loose.

Dental implants mimic the form and function of natural tooth roots, and are placed directly into the jaw bone. Because of this, chewing and biting forces stimulate the jaw bone just like natural teeth, which stops bone resorption from occurring in the first place.

Can I get an implant in one day?

Every implant case is different, but some patients may be able to receive an implant in a single visit. If this is a possibility for you, you’ll receive a temporary restoration to protect the implant while it heals, a process which usually takes between 3-6 months. You’ll be able to speak and eat normally in-between follow-up appointments.

Your doctor will monitor your healing progress and take impressions or digital scans of your teeth, which will be used to craft your final restoration. During your implant consultation we will help you decide what type of tooth replacement is best for you and your unique oral health needs.

Can I Get Dental Implant With Bone Loss?

The answer is usually “yes,” but you will need additional treatment with a bone graft. Bone loss is a common problem after you lose a tooth. Once you lose a tooth, the underlying jaw bone is no longer stimulated by biting and chewing. This means that it will begin to deteriorate over time. It’s possible to lose up to 25% of your bone mass within one year of tooth loss. If your jaw bone is too weak, you may not be able to get a dental implant at all.

However, for most patients with jaw bone loss a bone graft from Dr. Herscheal Aggarwal may be an option for you. In this treatment, Dr. Aggarwal will open up the jaw bone and insert bone granules into the area. Then, over time, your jaw bone will heal around these granules, creating healthy and strong bone tissue.

This allows you to get dental implants even after bone loss. However, bone grafting adds a lot of time and more expenses to your treatment. Because of this, it’s best to get a dental implant before your jaw bone begins to deteriorate. If you’ve lost a tooth, contact Serenity Dental Studio right away to get started, and get the tooth replacement you need to protect your oral health.

Can I Eat My Favorite Foods After Getting Dental Implants?

Yes. Unlike with some other tooth replacements such as dentures, there’s no need to adjust your diet and lifestyle once you get dental implants. Just like natural teeth, dental implants are anchored deeply into your jaw bone. They won’t move or shift when you chew.

However, you will have to take some precautions while your dental implants are still healing and integrating with your jaw bone. After this time, though, you can eat whatever you want. This includes steak and other tough meats, sticky candies, crunchy fruits and vegetables, and more. Just make sure to eat a “tooth-healthy” diet, brush and floss daily, and see Dr. Aggarwal for a checkup every six months!

What Are Common Dental Implant Treatment Options?

• Single-tooth implants – Single-tooth implants are the most common type of dental implant. As the name suggests, they are used to replace a single tooth. A single-tooth implant consists of one titanium post that’s surgically implanted into your gums and jaw bone. Then, over time, this post heals and bonds with your jaw. Once it’s fully healed, Dr. Aggarwal will attach a dental crown (false tooth) to the post. When the treatment is over, you’ll have a tooth that looks and feels completely natural.

• Implant-supported bridges – If you’re missing a row of more than two teeth, implant-supported dental bridges may be a good option for you. In this treatment, two dental implants are placed on either side of the gap in your smile. Then, when they heal, Dr. Aggarwal will work with our dental lab to build a dental bridge, consisting of three or more false teeth. These will attach directly to the dental implants, “bridging” the gap in your smile.

• Full-mouth implant dentures – If you have lost most or all of your natural teeth, full-mouth implant dentures are a good option. Unlike traditional dentures that only stay in place with friction, full-mouth dentures snap onto a series of 4-6 dental implants. These implants hold them in place, keeping them steady and preventing them from moving or shifting. Implant dentures look and feel much more natural than traditional dentures, and they last a lot longer, too.

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